Lesson 10:  Learning the keysHyphen (-)Slash (/)Question mark (?)

Read the paragraphs Position Points and Finger Positions.  Practice typing the letters to be learned.  It is okay to look at the keys during this preview time.  Place the mouse pointer into the practice box, left click, and begin typing.  Keep eyes on monitor screen and keyboard chart.

Do not worry about errors as you type.  Observing your typing errors by you and your teacher is an important step toward learning to type and improving accuracy.

Correcting errors with Backspace, left arrow,  or Delete key serves no useful purpose and will hinder your keyboard learning.  Correcting errors with Backspace or Delete key is for word processing - not for learning the keyboard.  Typing errors cannot be corrected using backspace, delete, or arrow keys.

Position Points
Sit up straight with YOUR back against back of chair -- both feet flat on the floor
Fingers curved with palms raised -- palms are not touching desktop
Eyes on the screen as you type -- not on the keys

Finger Positions
Place left and right hands on the home row keys
Hyphen (-)  typed with the semi-colon(;) finger - practice typing  ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - ;
Forward or Right slash (/)  typed with the semi-colon(;) finger - practice typing  ; / ; / ; / ; / ;
Question mark (?)  typed with left-shift + semi-colon(;) finger - practice typing  ; ? ; ? ; ? ; ? ;

Punctuation Spacing
Always place ONE (1) space after a comma (,)
Always place TWO (2) spaces after a colon (:)
Always place ONE (1) space after a semi-colon (;)
When the Period ends a sentence - place TWO (2) spaces
When the Period follows an abbreviation - place ONE (1) space
No space before or after the hyphen (-)
No space before or after the dash (--)
As a default setting in Microsoft Word, two hyphens will change to a  dash (—)
Always place TWO (2) spaces after a question mark (?)
No space before or after the forward or right slash (/)

Continue to press the ENTER KEY at the end of each line.  Move only right little finger - not the entire right hand.


Practice Lesson 10 Hyphen(-)Slash(/)Question mark(?)
Line numbers are not typed.  Press ENTER at end of each line.  Typing errors cannot be corrected.  Choose to type and complete at least one lesson during each class period.

 1  ;;; ;p- ;-; -;- ;-; ;/; ;/? ;?; ;?; ;-; ;p- self-made; one-third;
;;; ;/; ;/; /;/ what?  why?  when?  now?  his/her to/from us/them
The out-of-date calendar was helpful.  Her mother-in-law is kind.
The machine--a dark-blue one--is lost.  A-B equals C/D-E squared.
The current Fall/Winter catalog is better than the Spring/Summer.
Where is the on/off switch?  Could it be located near a top-edge?
Do you want to go to the movies now?  When and where is the show?
The long-planned dance went nicely.  Was the skit organized well?

Have your teacher review this lesson with you when finished.
Then select the next lesson at Keyboarding Main Menu