Lesson 17: Concentraton
1 - 200
This lesson
is not typed for perfect practice but focuses on concentration practice as numbers are typed.When an error is made - space once - retype that number - continue typing numbers sequentially. Proofread as you type. Any number omitted results in retyping the entire sequence beginning at number 1. Errors cannot be corrected using the delete, backspace, or arrow keys.
Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything — Wyatt Earp
Number Accuracy Procedure
from 1 to 200 without looking at the number row
When an
error is made
space once
— retype number
typing from that number
Proofread as you type
Any number omitted results in retyping beginning at number 1
Place a
space between each number. Example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 . . . 200
Numeric pad is not used when building keyboarding
— only the number row
Practice ― Lesson 17 ―
Number ConcentrationType numbers 1 to 200. If an error is made, space once, retype the number, and then continue from that number typing numbers sequentially. Any number omitted results in retyping the sequence from the beginning. Proofread and concentrate while typing.
Have your teacher review this lesson with you when finished.
Then select the next lesson at
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