Lesson 19:  Learning symbolsAsterisk (*)Parenthesis ( )Apostrophe (')Quotation (")

Symbols are best learned when associated with the corresponding home row finger.  Read the paragraph Finger Positions to avoid retyping due to incorrect fingerings for each symbol.  Keep F and J fingers on keys — rotate the hand for each symbol.

No more than 3 errors per line.  Retype the line if more than 3 errors occur.  Observing your typing errors by you and your teacher is an important step toward learning to type and improving accuracy.   Typing errors cannot be corrected using the backspace, delete, or arrow keys.

Finger Positions
Askterisk (*)  typed with K finger + Left Shift and 8 - practice typing  ki8* ki8* ki* ki* k* k* * *
When * is used within a formula, * means "multiplication, especially in a spreadsheet
When * is used after a word or phrase, * refers to "see note at bottom of the page"
When * is used in searching or programming, * means "wildcard" (represents 2 > characters)

Left Parenthesis   (  typed with L finger + Left Shift and 9 - practice typing  lo9(  lo9(  l9(  l(  (((
Right Parenthesis  ) typed with ; finger + Left Shift and 0 - practice typing  ;p0)  ;p0)  ;p)  ;p) )))

Apostrophe (')  typed with ; finger and Apostrophe key (') - practice typing  ; ' ; ; ' ; ; ' ; ' ; ' ' ' ' '

Quotations (")  typed with ; finger + Left Shift and Apostrophe - practice typing  ;'"  ;'"  ;"  "  "  "

Exclamation (!)  typed with A finger + Right Shift and 1 - practice typing  aq1!  aq1!  a1!  a1!  !  !

Practice Lesson 19 Asterisk(*)Parenthesis(   )Apostrophe(')
Line numbers are now typed.  Place 2 SPACES after a period following a bulleted number for readability.  Press ENTER at end of each line.

 1.  juj ju7& ju7& j&j kik ki8* ki8* k*k lol lo9( lo9( ;p0) ;p0) 
 2.  "1" "2" 3' 4' 5" 6* 7* 8* 9* (10-1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
 3.  Rules in the textbooks* help solve problems, like 2*2 is 4!
 4.  Sale included (1) skis, (2) coats, (3) DVDs, and (4) iPads!
 5.  it's isn't you're we're won't 'till Thompson's O'Brien 1.5'
 6.  Minutes and feet can be represented using an apostrophe(').

It's Mia's job to get the "IT"!  Wasn't Bob (or Alf) going?
I'm ordering 5 books now from Amazon at "#amazon" plus tax!
 9.  My new iPhone 6 64GB (iOS-8) was $299.  I ordered 2 phones.
10.  W.tv has 2 plans:  LitN ($9.00/mo) and T-Storm ($19.00/mo).

Have your teacher review this lesson with you when finished.
Then select the next lesson at Keyboarding Main Menu