CW Net Q Signals

QNA Answer in prearranged order
QNB Act as relay between _____ and _____
QNC All net stations copy
QND Net is directed
QNE Entire net please stand by
QNF Net is free
QNG Take over as Net Control Station (NCS)
QNH Your net frequency is high
QNI Report into net -or- I report into net
QNJ Can you copy _____?
QNK Transmit message(s) (for _____) to _____
QNL Your net frequency is low
QNM You are QRMing _____ Please stand by
QNN Who is net control station?  Net control station is _____
QNO Going out of net
QNP Unable to copy you or _____
QNQ Move freq to _____ and wait for _____ to finish handling
traffic. Then send him traffic for _____
QNR Answer _____ and relay (or receive) traffic
QNS Following stations in net K5ABC K5DEF K5GHI K5XYZ
QNT Leaving net temporarily (or for _____ minutes)
I request to leave net temporarily
QNU _____ has traffic for you: await instructions
QNV Establish contact with ____ on this frequency
If successful, move to ____ kHz and send him traffic for ___
QNW Through whom shall I relay message for _____
QNX You are excused from the net
I request to be excused from the net
QNY Shift to another freq (or to _____ kHz) to prevent QRMing
other net stations (or to clear traffic with _____)
QNZ Zero beat your signal with mine
QRU Do you have traffic for the net?
I have no traffic for the net
QSG Send _____ messages at a time?
Shall I send _____ messages at a time
QTA Cancel nr _____ as if it had not been sent
Shall I cancel nr _____ as if it had not been sent?
QTB Do you agree with my number of words?
I do not agree with your number of words
I will repeat first letter of each word and first figure of
each number
QTC How many messages have you to send?
I have _____ messages for you or for _____